Groupe International d'Analyse Statistique Implicative

International Group of Implicative Statistic Analysis

Gruppo Internazionale di Analisi Statistica Implicativa

Actes des Journées - Proceedings - Atti di Convegni


Caen, France, 23-24 Juin 2000

SÃO PAULO, Brasil,   9 – 11, julho 2003

Palermo, Italy, Settembre, 2005 (photos)
Castellón de la Plana (España)    18-21 octubre 2007 (Proceedings, Actes)
Web Page ASI-5 Palermo, Italy, 5-7 Novembre, 2010 (Prolongement des débats, Beyond of the debates, photos)


Books of ASI - Le livres de l'ASI:



 1. Statistical Implicative Analysis : theory and applications

Series: Studies in Computational Intelligence , Vol. 127

 Editors: R. Gras1, E. Suzuki2, F. Guillet1, F. Spagnolo3

 1 LINA, Polytechnic School of Nantes University, France. Regisgra at, Fabrice.Guillet at

2 Electrical and Computer Engineering, Yokohama National University, Japan. Esuzuki at

3 GRIM., University of Palermo, Italy. Spagnolo at

2008, XVI, 514 p. 147 illus., Hardcover, SPRINGER
ISBN: 978-3-540-78982-6


About this book:

Statistical implicative analysis is a data analysis method created by Régis Gras almost thirty years ago which has a significant impact on a variety of areas ranging from pedagogical and psychological research to data mining. Statistical implicative analysis (SIA) provides a framework for evaluating the strength of implications; such implications are formed through common knowledge acquisition techniques in any learning process, human or artificial. This new concept has developed into a unifying methodology, and has generated a powerful convergence of
thought between mathematicians, statisticians, psychologists, specialists in pedagogy and last, but not least, computer scientists specialized in data mining.
This volume collects significant research contributions of several rather distinct disciplines that benefit from SIA. Contributions range from psychological and pedagogical research, bioinformatics, knowledge management, and data mining.

Written for:
Engineers, researchers, and graduate students in computational intelligence and computer science

Keywords: Computational Intelligence, Statistics, Implicative Analysis, Data Mining, Applications (in psychological and pedagogical research,
bioinformatics, knowledge management)

As to order the book !!


2. ASI

Cépaduès Edition, RNTI E-16

ISSN 1764.1667

ISBN 978.2.85428.8971

Juin 2009

L'Home Page de Régis Gras


3. Teoría y aplicaciones del Análisis Estadístico Implicativo:

primera aproximación en lengua hispana.

Editores. Pilar Orús, Larisa Zamora y Pablo Gregori

2009, Universitat Jaume I de Castellón, España

ISBN: 978-84-692-3925-4

Teoría y aplicaciones del Análisis Estadístico Implicativo

About this book:

The book contains explanations of SIA and CHIC as well as examples of their applications especially in education, didactics, and psychology; but also bioinformatics and knowledge engineering. Extensions of SIA in the context of general data mining are also presented.

This book should be of interest to developers of data mining systems as well as researchers, students, and practitioners devoted to data mining and statistical data analysis.





Scientifics references in the web: Google Scholar

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