The role of emotions as transmitted by the use of cartoons and games in constructing milieu in negotiating mathematical  knowledge in primary and lower secondary schools

(dizertačná práca)



Bratislava 2006                                         Claudia Sortino

Vedný odbor:  11-17-9 Teória vyučovania matematiky



            1. Prof. RNDr. Ondrej Šedivý, CSc

            2. Prof. Bruno D'Amore

            3. Prof. RNDr. Helena Bereková, PhD

            4. Prof. Filippo Spagnolo (Supervisor)



Thought and language in contextualising experience

The context or environment has an essential function in negotiating meaning as means of communication in the teaching system.  According to Chevallard and Johsua (1982), the context comprises three components: the teacher, learner and the knowledge to be taught.  Subsequently, Cornu and Vergnioux (1992) introduced the concept of the noosphere, thereby considering the social context which involves and interacts with the teaching system.  The use of various linguistic registers and personal, cultural experience are important elements in encouraging communication.  Vygotskij has drawn on Piaget’s assertion: “Being aware of an operation indeed means passing from an action to a linguistic plan; it means, therefore, inventing it in your imagination, to be able to express it in words” (Vygotskij 1990, p.227).  Clearly, in order to pass from one to the other, the action must be contextualised and then recognised and accepted buy the learner.

In order for understand and encourage the process of passing from an antion to a linguistic plan in the teaching process, the connection between the ‘word and its meaning’ must be taken into consideration; this is not stable but subject to a process of evolution (Vygotskij, Chapter VIII).  Observing various experiments regarding the evolution of the brain, it has been seen that in general this evolution is strictly personal since it is tied to a process of cultural, spatial-temporal contextualisation of the experience, which, in certain cases, draws on an individual, emotional state (Changeux 2003).  The basis of this contextualisation recalls the concept of a medium or environment (French, as used in English ‘milieu’), like that of a subsystem which interacts directly with the learner (materials, games, etc).  This milieu can be  initially defined as the totality of that which acts on the learner or that which the learner acts on (Brousseau 1977).  One can think about the interaction between learner and milieu, devoid of the  substantial involvement of the teacher (with the stated meaning of a teaching contract but the teacher can take on the role of tutor or supervisor), as that which defines an a-didactic situation.  Whilst, if one also considers an explicit educational system (for example, the figure of the teacher), then one can speak of a teaching situation.

“In a teaching situation, which has been prepared and created by a teacher, the learner generally has the task of interpreting the questions asked, information given and obligations imposed, which are constant in the teacher’s teaching method.  These (specific) habits of the teacher, awaited by the learner and the learner’s behaviour awaited by the teacher, make up the ‘teaching contract’.”  (Brousseau, 1980a p.127)

The a-didactic situation has been described by Brousseau (1986, p.50) as:

“The definitive and referential a-didactic situation, which typifies knowledge, can be studied in a theoretical way, but regarding the teaching situation, as much for the teacher as the learner, there exists a type of convergent idea: the teacher must ceaselessly help the learner to remove all their  teaching strategies from the situation so that personal and objective knowledge is left”.

Sometimes milieu are defined on the basis of real concrete arguments, sometimes the intention for choosing these arguments is added, and sometimes as something stable, on other occasions as something which is developed and modified in the learner.   In general, the function of the milieu is:

in the teaching system, to define that part connected to specific a-didactic uses, planned by the teacher and teaching aims but without the necessary and constant presence of such aims (for example, without the direct participation of the teacher).

Brousseau (2000) has emphasised that

“the learner learns by adapting to a milieu which is constitutes a factor of contradictions, difficulty, disequilibria, a little like that which takes place in human society. As the result of the learner’s adaptation, this knowledge reveals itself with new answers, which are the proof of learning”.


My main research problem is the study of the conditions in which knowledge is constructed, the aim of which is its optimisation, checking and reproduction in schools.  The teaching situations which I considered are specific to the knowledge, which I wanted to be inculcated.  By ‘teaching situations’, I mean:

a totality of relationships established in an explicit or implicit way between the teacher, learner (or group of learners) and surrounding elements (instrumental or material), with the aim of students learning, that is, they construct a certain consciousness, which has been previously established.

In order that the learner construct their own knowledge, they must personally concern themselves with solving the problem, which has been set in the teaching situation, that is, they must involve themselves in the activity.  It can, therefore, be said that the learner has now reached ‘the  devolution of the problem’.  Originally (Brousseau, 1986), devolution was defined as:

“the action through which the teacher has the learner accept responsibility for a learning situation (a-didactic) or a problem and personally accept the consequences of this devolution”.


My objective is to study the acceptance of this devolution, connecting it to affective learning in order to emphasise the tie between the word and image and their meaning to the learner.

With the aim of reconciling the rigidity of mathematical language with the evolutionary nature of the meaning of terms, Vygotskij has stated that:

“a complete elimination of discordances in favour of general and unconditionally correct expression can be reached beyond language and its mathematical skill.  We can only say one thing: our spoken language, by virtue of its own fluctuations and discordances between grammatical and psychological features, is habitually found in a state of equilibrium between the ideal of mathematical harmony and fantasy in a never-ending movement, which we call ‘evolution” (Vygotskij, 1990 p.339).  In this direction an important perspective for teaching mathematics has been opened up which also encompasses my work: theoretical research into neuro-physiology regarding learning and the experimental analysis of interference, which moulds the learner. 

This takes place between the meaning of the term in its internal language, common language (that is,  everyday extra-curricular experience) and the specific meaning of mathematical terms.


 Research Questions and Hypotheses

The choice of carrying out experimental research which includes games or cartoons does not arise only from the necessity of investigating concepts about learners, rather from the need to suggest a new way of ‘doing’ mathematics, which appeals to a motivational state as regards personal needs.  Various objectives have guided me in the selection of teaching tools which are to be used in structuring my experimentation.  Some of these are:

·       studying multi-sensorial aspects in teaching and learning activities for mathematics

·       analysing the game-like characteristics of mathematics in relation to the motivation and  interest of doing this type of mathematical activity (appetitus noscendi, J Changuex, 2003)

·       developing a real sensitivity in the learners in interpreting  and comprehending symbolic images

·       organising a grammar which is the most characteristic possible in creating and interpreting a mathematical cartoon

·       analysing, from a neuro-physiological point of view, the use of parallel and serial thought by means of diagrams

·       analysing the role and meaning of the graphic tools, used in creating cartoons, for students which are recognised by the cartoon’s iconic code or those which have been introduced ad hoc by the teacher (the teacher’s implicit tools)

·       analysing the problem of mathematical communication in multi-cultural environments.

Regarding the ‘Guess the number’ game, my objectives are

·       thoroughly analysing the relationship between natural and symbolic language

·       analysing how the constructing of patterns intervenes in the process of anticipation

We can, therefore, outline the following research hypotheses:

H1       constructing teaching situations, involving a conscious use of cartoons to facilitate devolution

H2       constructing teaching situations, involving a conscious use of arithmetic games to facilitate devolution

H3       constructing learning/teaching milieu which encourage an instrumental use of functional emotions as regards mathematical knowledge (from the learner’s point of view)

H4       constructing learning/teaching milieu which encourage an instrumental use of functional emotions as regards mathematical knowledge (from the teacher’s point of view).



Table of Contents

Text Box:



Presentation                                   Body, thought and language:

        emotion as the reason for changes in information…..………….  pag.6


Aim of the thesis

            - Thought and language in contextualising experience……………………………….pag.10

            - Research questions and hypothesis………………………………………….……pag.12



                        Chapter 1       Theoretical frame of reference: the relationship between the body’s emotional state and the sensory experience of contextualising experience

Abstract…………………………………………………………………………………  pag.14

1.1       Introduction……………………………………………………………………    pag.17

1.1.1             Theoretical frame of reference (Clamat’s cartoon).

Context in a cartoon:

space-time relationships and the phenomenon of clousure……....                                   pag.18

1.1.2       Theoretical frame of reference (‘Guess the number’).

The use of games for negotiating meaning in passing from

                          a natural to a pre-algebraic language………………………..                    pag.21

1.2                   The role of affect in learning mathematics and historical enquiry: the relevance of the history of mathematics in teaching…….pag.22

1.3        Methodology: tools and the teacher’s role………………………………………pag.24

1.3.1             The structure of the a-didactic situation in cartoons and games…………….....       pag.25

1.3.2             Validation of the two experimentations…………………………….……….....     pag.27


 Chapter 2       Affective learning: the emotional state of the body and sensory experience in a two-fold alternating of perceptive and recalled image.


2.1       History…………………………………………………………………………  pag.36

2.2       Let us see what is inside the box…………………………………………………pag.37

2.3       Memory and learning: the role of the hippocampus and the amygdala…………… pag.43

2.4       Perception and perceptive images……………………………………………… pag.48

2.5       Typical elements of affective learning from the neuro-scientific point of view……   pag.49

2.6       …. but can learning become appetitus noscendi (the wish to learn)……………  pag.52

2.7       Motivation: what are its origins?...........................................................................pag.53

2.7.1  Motivation and reward………………………………………………… .pag.56

2.8       Cultural and environmental experience: neuronal Darwinism and the plasticity

of the brain…………………………………………………………………… pag.59

2.9       Knowledge and social life: language and inferred communication………………  pag.61

2.9.1    The triadic model of sign……………………………………………… pag.61

2.9.2    Syntax and understanding……………………………………………   pag.62

            2.9.3    Sharing knowledge:

- inferred communication…………….………...……………………   pag.62

- gestures in contextualisation…………………………………………………pag.64

- Mirror neurons and reciprocity in inferred communication………………….. pag.64

2.10     The Theory of Embodiment.…………….………...………………………… pag.64


Chapter 3:      Cartoons as environments of mediation

Abstract ……………………………………………………………………………  pag.76

3.1              Introduction: explaining the choice of cartoons as tools of mediation………….…pag.80

3.2              Cartoons: general and specific objectives………….…………………………   pag.81

3.2.1       Explaining the choice of cartoons as a substitute for a written text…….……...   pag.82

3.3               The five senses of the cartoon………….………………………………………pag.83

3.3.1             Perceiving images: seeing ≠ understanding…………………………………… .pag.84

3.3.2             Seeing sounds and hearing silence…………………………………………….. pag.87

3.3.3             The sensations of taste, smell and… touching images………………………....  pag.88

3.4              The visual code of cartoons: structure and educational characteristics…………   pag.89

3.5              History: the origins of comics…………………………………………………  pag.93

3.6              The iconic role of images: Invisible Art and Scott McCloud’s point of view……  pag.96

3.7              The language of cartoons as an ‘environment’ for understanding written text…    pag.100

3.8              First Experimentation: Clamat’s cartoon

3.8.1             The experimental context: a sample………………………………………….. pag.102

3.8.2             Methodology: instructions and organisation of cartoons……………………..   pag.102

3.8.3             Structural analysis of each single cartoon and

the role of the tools of mediation…………………………………………...…pag.104

3.8.4             Conclusion of the experimentation:

- qualitative analysis of the experimental work, the teacher’s role and the tools used in describing the problem…...pag.110

- results of the experimentation………………………………………………..          pag.111


Chapter 4:      Second Experimentation: introduction to pre-algebraic language in primary and lower secondary schools. Experimental analysis of a a-didactic situation:

Guess the number’

Abstract………………………………………………………………………………………  pag.112

4.1              Introduction…………………………………………………………………………..  pag.115

4.2              What is meant by the term ‘language’………………………………………………..    pag.116

4.3              References to various works on algebraic language:

- the use of a ‘symbol’ to indicate a number……………………………………  pag.117

- discussions in class……………………………………………………………pag.117

- the aim of the teaching contract: teaching aim …………………………………pag.117

- learning by discovery………………………………………………………    pag.118

4.4              Explanation of the activity and experimentations results…………………………….       pag.118

4.5              The experimental context: the sample…………………………………………….…..    pag.120

4.6              Phases in the game and a qualitative description of the experience…………………..      pag.120

4.7              Instructions and teacher’s strategies…………………………………………………..   pag.122

4.8              Qualitative analysis: results of teaching phase………………………………………..      pag.123

4.9              Conclusions……………………………………………………………………………pag.128


Chapter 5:      Conclusion

Abstract…………………………………………………………………………………  .pag.129

5.1              The role of visual images and symbols in establishing a teaching context, which is easily recognisable by the learner…pag.129

5.2              Considerations on the importance of the social-cultural context in a teaching-learning context, which permit the use of cartoons or arithmetical games pag.132

Chapter 6:      Information for constructing the milieu


6.1              Mathematical descriptors for interpreting a mathematical cartoon: a possible grammar for a mathematical cartoon……pag.137

6.2              Textual analysis of a mathematical cartoon:

Donald Duck in the land of mathemagics……………………………………pag.143

6.3              Components of affective learning from a didactic-neurophysiological

point of view…………………………………………………………………  pag.149

6.3.1             The teaching aim: the importance of contextualisation in teaching………......        pag.152

6.4              A teaching activity for introducing the use of cartoons in geometry: Math Maps……       pag.154


1          The discrete and the continuous:

aspects and methods for a philosophy of mathematics…………………………….…  pag.160

2          How the brain constructs the visual image…………………………………………… pag.165

3          Perceiving shapes and movement……………………………………………………..pag.174

4          An interview with Claudio Stassi (designer-advertising cartoonist)……………….....     pag.181

5         Teaching units for Clamat’s cartoons………………………………………………… pag.188

6          An a-priori analysis of Clamat’s cartoons…………………………………………….pag.196

7          Learner-secretary’s protocol for the ‘Guess the number’ game……………………....  pag.200

