
Virtus Vini

Vineyard Monitoring through Wireless Sensor Networks

The Virtus Vini project aims at enhancing the quality of the production of vine grapes by employing a highly innovative technological infrastructure, based on Wireless Sensor Networks. WSNs allow the traceability of the entire productive chain, constituting an integrated information system that offers services both to the wine producer and to the end consumers themselves.


Structural Health Monitoring of Historical Heritage Buildings

The GeoMon project regards the design and implementation of an innovative technological framework for monitoring critical structures and geological sites in Sicily, Italy. The usage of Wireless Sensor Networks allows for a pervasive observation over the sites of interest in order to minimize the potential damages that natural phenomena may cause to architectural or engineering works.


Environmental Knowledge Management, for Organic Agriculture and Eco-friendly Fishing

As part of the Geogrid project, the research group operating at DINFO has worked on the design and implementation of the hardware/software framework for supporting a distributed, WSN-based system for acquiring marine environment data. The developed application could support fishing company and cooperatives, land control and management agencies, for the eco-friendly managing of marine resources.


DIFA: Food farming chain digitalization

The DIFA Project ("Food farming chain digitalization") is a funded project in the context of the "Information Society" National/Regional Frame Program for Sicily.
Its goal is to consolidate the potentialities of Sicilian Region by stimulating positive synergy among local companies through a communication network.
The projects gathers contributions from the Local Authority on Agriculture and Forests, and includes both government partners (Sicilia e-Innovazione), and Academic ones (University of Palermo, Dept. DTMPIG, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Dept. of Agricultural Engineering and Technologies, Dept. of Hydraulic Engineering and Environmental Applications, Dept of Entomological Sciences, Dept. of Mechanics, and Management Engineering).
The project will study the possible technological innovations on the field of food farming chain, with special regard to the olive oil, fruit and vegetable cultivation.