Dipartimento dell'Innovazione Industriale e Digitale
Ingegneria Chimica, Gestionale, Informatica, Meccanica


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Giovedì 10 novembre 2016, alle ore 10 in aula C330 (III piano Presidenza Scuola Politecnica, viale delle Scienze, edificio 7),

il prof. Florian Alt,

del Group for Media Informatics presso la Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität di Monaco di Baviera (LMU Munich), terrà un seminario dal titolo:

Wave, Touch, Look! Novel interaction modalities for large public displays

Il seminario sarà tenuto in Inglese ed è orientato a tutti gli interessati all’argomento, per scopi di studio, di ricerca e applicativi.

In quella occasione, il dott. Mohamed Khamis, dottorando presso il Group for Media Informatics di LMU Munich, e il dott. Vito Gentile, dottorando presso il nostro Dipartimento dell’Innovazione Industriale e Digitale, presenteranno le attività di ricerca in corso, con due interventi su “Gaze interaction in public spaces” e “Gesture interaction with public displays” rispettivamente.

Di seguito l’abstract del seminario e un breve CV del dott. Alt. Si prega di diffondere l’invito a tutti coloro che possono essere interessati.



Fueled by falling display hardware costs and rising demand, digital signage and pervasive displays are becoming ever more ubiquitous. Such systems have traditionally been used for advertising and information dissemination with digital signage commonplace in shopping malls, airports and public spaces. While advertising and broadcasting announcements remain important applications, developments in sensing and interaction technologies are enabling entirely new classes of display applications that tailor content to the situation and audience of the display. As a result, signage systems are beginning to transition from simple broadcast systems to rich platforms for communication and interaction.

In the first part of this workshop we provide an introduction to this emerging field. We will start by looking at different models that explain how people act in the vicinity of public displays. Next, we will talk about how people can be engaged to interact with such displays. In particular, we will discuss how the attention of the audience can be captured, how the interactivity of displays can be communicated, and how people can be motivated to participate. The lecture concludes with a brief overview of different techniques suitable for interaction with large displays in public space.

The second part of the workshop will provide an overview of our current research activity on gaze interaction in public space. At the outset we will introduce state-of-the-art approaches to enabling interaction with public displays using one’s eyes. We will then present several case studies that deal with challenges display providers are facing as they entice users to gaze-interact in public space. In particular, we will focus on user positioning, calibration, movement, as well as on multi-user scenarios.

Florian's Short bio

Florian Alt is a professor in the Group for Media Informatics at the LMU Munich since October 2013. His research interests are at the crossroads of pervasive computing and HCI. He is particularly interested in ubiquitous interactive systems with a focus on interaction with large displays in public spaces as well as with usable privacy and security. He holds a Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Stuttgart and a diploma in media informatics from the LMU Munich. Between 2008 and 2012 he was a research associate at the University of Duisburg-Essen and later at the University of Stuttgart, where he finished his dissertation on “A Design Space for Pervasive Advertising on Public Displays”. Further appointments include a job as web developer for Pinnacle Systems (Mountain View, US) and as IT specialist for Schreiner MediPharm LP (New York, US). He was a visiting researcher at the Telekom Innovation Labs (TU Berlin, 2011) as well as a guest lecturer for Pervasive Computing (University of Duisburg-Essen, 2012) and Unconventional User Interaction (University of Linz, 2013). Florian is the PC Chair for ACM Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia 2016 and previously chaired the program committee of the ACM Symposium on Pervasive Displays 2015. He is co-author on a Synthesis Lecture textbook on “Pervasive Displays - Understanding the Future of Digital Signage”.