Martedì 25 novembre 2014, alle ore 10 in aula Capitò (ex-Aula Consiglio c/o piano terra Presidenza Ingegneria, edificio 7),

il dott. Alessio Malizia,

Senior Lecturer presso il Department of Computer Science, College of Engineering, Design and Physical Sciences, Brunel University London, UK, terrà un seminario dal titolo:

The Artificiality of Natural User Interfaces

Il seminario sarà tenuto in Italiano ed è orientato a tutti gli studiosi interessati all’argomento, sia per scopi di ricerca che per scopi applicativi.

Di seguito l’abstract del seminario e un breve CV del dott. Malizia. Si prega di diffondere l’invito a tutti coloro che possono essere interessati.



In this talk we will discuss the artificiality of Natural User Interfaces (NUIs) and propose a new approach to design gestural interfaces. Today the word "natural", as in NUIs, is mainly used to highlight the contrast with classical computer interfaces that employ artificial control devices whose operation has to be learned. We will discuss what we believe is the main point we have to face when designing for gestural interfaces: Are these interfaces natural only in the sense they offer a higher degree of freedom and expression power, when compared with a mouse-and-keyboard interface? Or, are we really aiming at empowering users with a means to communicate with computer systems so they feel more familiar with them?


Short bio

Alessio Malizia joined Brunel as Senior Lecturer in Human-Computer Interaction in October 2012. He moved to Brunel from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, where he was Associate Professor of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Social Computing. He has previously worked at Sapienza University of Rome, IBM, SGI and Xerox PARC.

Alessio’s research and teaching interests focus on Human-Centred Systems. Alessio is interested in the design of Ubiquitous Interactive Systems with a special focus on the End-User Development community. He is particularly interested in systems where the physical and digital become seamlessly intertwined producing a new hybrid landscape and the study of problems arising from designing such complex hybrid environments involving collaboration of various disciplines and stakeholders.

His work is multi-disciplinary in nature and he has published over 70 papers, in different and renowned venues, such as: IEEE Pervasive Computing, ACM Communications, IEEE Computer, the Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, and proceedings of conferences relevant for his field, such as: ACM SIGGRAPH, ACM CHI, ACM AVI and IEEE VL/HCC among others.