Quaderno N.1- PALERMO 2010


Editor in-Chief: Filippo SPAGNOLO (University of Palermo)



Deputy Editor-in-Chief:

Claudio FAZIO (University of Palermo)


Editorial Director:

Benedetto DI PAOLA (University of Palermo)


Editorial board:

Angelo BONURA (ITT Marco Polo, Palermo and AIF Palermo)

Matteo CAMMARATA (University of Palermo)

Michele Antonio FLORIANO (University of Palermo)

Marco GILIBERTI (University of Milan)

Neil HUTTON (University of Sunderland)

Burkhard PRIEMER (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)

Alberto STEFANEL (University of Udine)

Giovanni TARANTINO (ANSAS and University of Palermo)

Italo TESTA (University of Naples)

Roberto ZINGALES (University of Palermo)



Index QRDS N.1, March 2010


Pedagogical Content Knowledge as a tool to understand and develop teachers’ competences

Rosa Maria Sperandeo-Mineo, Maria Concetta Capizzo, Lucia Lupo, Gabriella Monroy **, Sara Lombardi, Italo Testa; pp. 1-16


La proporzionalità diretta: un esempio di didattica laboratoriale nella scuola primaria

Barbara Melis; pp. 17-36


Esempi di utilizzo di differenti ambienti di modellizzazione per lo studio delle onde meccaniche

Giovanni Tarantino; pp. 37-48


In-service and pre-service Physics teacher education and Pedagogical Content Knowledge construction

Claudio Fazio; pp. 49-60


Nascita ed evoluzione del linguaggio chimico

Roberto Zingales; pp. 61-84








Quaderni di Ricerca in Didattica

(ISSN on-line 1592-4424)


Quaderni di Ricerca in Didattica/Science is a multi-lingual and multimedia journal, devoted to publication of papers, books and media works describing significant experiences in the field of Science Education Teaching and Research. The preferred languages for publication are: English, French, Italian, Spanish and German.

QRDS encourages authors to submit multimedia attachments to enhance the online versions of published articles. Multimedia enhancements typically consist of video clips, animations or supplementary data such as data files, tables of extra information or extra figures. They can add to the reader’s understanding and present results in attractive ways.

How to prepare and submit an article for publication in Quaderni di Ricerca in Didattica/Science (QRDS)