Quaderno N.22 - PALERMO 2012


Editor in-Chief: Claudio FAZIO (University of Palermo)



Deputy Editors-in-Chief:

Benedetto DI PAOLA (University of Palermo)


Editorial Director:

Benedetto DI PAOLA (University of Palermo)


Editorial board:  

Mahdi ABDELJAOUAD (University of Tunis)

Shuhua AN (College of Education, California State University)

Michele ARTIGUE (University Paris Diderot - Paris 7)

Ferdinando ARZARELLO (University of Turino)

Maria BARTOLINI BUSSI (University of Modena - Reggio Emilia)

Aldo BRIGAGLIA (University of Palermo) 

Guy BROUSSEAU (Prof. Emeritus University Institute for Teacher Education of Aquitaine in Bordeaux)

Bruno D'AMORE (University of Bologna; University of Bogotà, Colombia)

Javier DIEZ PALOMAR (University of Barcelona)

Raffaella FRANCI (University of Siena)

Fulvia FURINGHETTI (University of Genova) 

Athanasios GAGATSIS (University of Cyprus)

Règis GRAS (Régis Gras, LINA, Université de Nantes)

Joseph GASCON (Elementary School, Los Angeles)

Claire MARGOLINAS (Laboratoire ACTé, Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont Université, France)

Fayez MINA (Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt)

Pietro NASTASI (University of Palermo)

Luis RADFORD (Laurentian University, Canada)

Alan ROGERSON (International Coordinator of the Mathematics in Society Project, Poland)

Aldo SCIMONE (University of Palermo)

Ivan TRENCANSKY (university of Bratislava, Slovakia)

Rongbao TU (Nanjing Normal University)

Zhonghe WU (National University, California, U.S.A.)


INDEX QRDM N.22 – Aprile 2012


¿Qué dicen los docentes, futuros docentes y formadores de docentes sobre su formación en didáctica de la geometría 3d?

Natalia Sgreccia, Tulio Amaya de Armas y Marta Massa; pp. 1 - 20.


Matematica e Musica: l’apprendimento di base

Nereo Luigi Dani, Manuela Di Natale, Benedetto Di Paola; pp. 21 - 44.


Ontogenesis and phylogenesis in the passage from arithmetic to algebraic thought

Benedetto Di Paola, Teresa Marino; pp. 45 - 55.


Epistemologia e didattica: un legame virtuoso

Renato Migliorato; pp. 56 - 65.


Didattica per “Quaestiones”. Orientamento attraverso la formazione.

Fabio Di Raffaele; pp. 66 - 72.


I giochi multimediali nella didattica della matematica: aspetti motivazionali e di recupero. Un'esperienza nella scuola primaria.

Maria Santa Glorioso; pp. 73 - 79.


Il gioco degli scacchi nell’apprendimento delle abilità visuo-spaziali: un intervento sperimentale nella scuola primaria.

Jessica La Russa, Mario Ferro; pp. 80 - 85.




Quaderni di Ricerca in Didattica

(ISSN on-line 1592-4424)


Quaderni di Ricerca in Didattica/Mathematics is a multi-lingual and multimedia journal, devoted to publication of papers, books and media works describing significant experiences in the field of Mathematics Education Teaching and Research. The preferred languages for publication are: English, French, Italian, Spanish and German.

QRDM encourages authors to submit multimedia attachments to enhance the online versions of published articles. Multimedia enhancements typically consist of video clips, animations or supplementary data such as data files, tables of extra information or extra figures. They can add to the reader’s understanding and present results in attractive ways.

How to prepare and submit an article for publication in Quaderni di Ricerca in Didattica/Mathematics (QRDM)