
Corsi di laurea (undergraduate)            Master/dottorati (graduate)

Corsi di laurea (undergraduate)
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Economia Politica (6 CFU)
Istituzioni di Economia Pubblica (10 CFU) (Modulo di Economia Politica - 7 CFU)

Universita' di Palermo
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Giurisprudenza

A.A. 2024-2025


Economia Politica (9CFU)
Universita' di Palermo, Polo didattico di Agrigento
Corso in Operatore della Pubblica Amministrazione


Corso di Laurea in Comunicazione Pubblica, Sociale e d'Impresa
Universita' di Pisa
Corso di Economia dell'Informazione (III anno), A.A. 2004-2005


Corsi post laurea/Graduate courses
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Economics of Migration

Guidelines for the essay

- The topic can be one of those discussed during the course, or another one related to migration, of your choice;
- it is recommended to define the topic by a preliminary discussion with the Instructor;
- the student must adopt an economic approach, i.e. s/he should demonstrate to be able to take into account the theoretical or empirical issues discussed during the course in writing the essay
- the student should demonstrate to be familiar with the topics discussed during the course;
- there is not a specified length of the essay, although something like 8-10 pages (including references) could be a benchmark;
- there must be a literature review, i.e. the student should demonstrate to be able to identify the relevant literature for the chosen topic;
- ideally, the structure of the essay should be like this: i) introduction; ii) literature review; iii) discussion of the topic; iv) conclusions; v) bibliography;     
- I encourage the student to take a critical approach and propose personal insights on the chosen topic;
- it is possible to quote other people's work, but sources must be clearly reported in the essay and if the quotation exactly reports parts of other works, the quotation must be reported between inverted commas;
- plagiarism, or the use of AI tools, is not tolerated and will imply straightforward failure of the exam and might imply disciplinary actions.
- the final grade is conditioned on a successful oral discussion of the essay in front of the Commission on the chosen exam session.
- the essay must be in English;
- the essay must be delivered at least 10 days before the chosen exam session;
- please name your file as: yourSurname_EssayTitle.doc /.pdf
- please write your First and Last name on the essay.

Lecture Slides (2023-2024)

Lecture Slides (2024-2025)

"Applied Economic Growth"
Internationl Doctoral Programme in Economics, Scuola Superiore S. Anna, Pisa: June 2013

"Introduction to the Economics of Organized Crime"
Master in Analysis, Prevention and Contrast of Organised Crime and Corruption, Univesity of Pisa, Italy (2012, 2013)
Slides (in Italian)
