Antonio Gentile is associate professor with the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica (DINFO), Università degli Studi di Palermo, Palermo, Italy since January 2005. He was assistant professor with DINFO from December 2000 till December 2004.
Prof. Gentile received his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer
Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta (USA),
in December 2000. He also received his doctoral degree in Computer
Science and his Dr. Ing. (Laurea) degree with highest honors in
Electrical Engineering from the Università degli studi di Palermo in
1996 and 1992, respectively.
Since 2002, he collaborates with the Center for Philological and Linguistic Studies on the Sicilian Language and participate to the Linguistic Atlas of Sicily project, in which project he is team leader for the design and development of textual and voice data archival and retrieval methodologies and tools as co-investigator of a research unit within the Italian research program of relevant national interest, PRIN, year 2005-2007.
Prof. Gentile teaches both undegraduate and graduate level courses at the College of Literature and Philosophy and at the College of Engineering. He has participated and participate to several local, national and European research projects, and was principal investigator in research collaborations with leading industries (STMicroelectronics, Motorola Corporate Research Laboratories).
Prof. Gentile is coauthor of over 60 scientific publications. He is a member of the IEEE, of the IEEE Computer Society, of the ACM, and of the AEIT.