Gabriele Scaramuzza: profilo

Gabriele Scaramuzza, was born in Milan in 1939 and he has graduated in Philosophy (Aesthetic) in Pavia. He taught Philosophy and History at the secondary schools and Aesthetics at the Universities of Padua, Verona, Sassari and now he teaches Aesthetics at the University of Milan.

He studied the first phenomenological Aesthetics (Le origini dell’estetica fenomenologica, Padova 1976; Oggetto e conoscenza, Padova 1989), Max Dessoir’s Aesthetics (Estetica e scienza dell’arte, with L. Perucchi, Milano 1986), Banfi’s Aesthetics and his followers (Antonio Banfi, la ragione e l’estetico, Padova 1984; Crisi come rinnovamento. Scritti sull’estetica della scuola di Milano, Milano 2000). At last, he investigated Hegel’s Aesthetics (Arte e morte dell’arte, with P. Gambazzi, Milano 1997) and in particular the topic of the so-called “death of Art”. The attention to the sphere of the ugly and the category of the melodramatic (Il brutto nell’arte, Napoli 1995), the studies dedicated to Picasso and Kafka and to Walter Benjamin’s meditation (Walter Benjamin lettore di Kafka, Milano 1994) are connected to this last Hegelian topic.

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