Review Editor:
Filippo SPAGNOLOEditing board: Gianna Manno, Aldo Scimone, Claudia Sortino.
Editorial board:
Volume Conception in late primary school children in Cyprus,
Stamatis Voulgaris & Anastasia Evangelidou, (English Version) (pagg. 1-32)
La classe come palcoscenico, (Master in linguaggi non verbali e della performance),
Angela Pesci (Italian Version) (pagg. 33-124)
Why is modelling not included in the teaching of algebra at secondary school?
Pilar Bolea, Marianna Bosch, Josep Gascón (pagg. 125-133) (English Version)
Teacher's opinions about statistics and probability in primary level
Sofia Anastasiadou (pagg. 134-143) (English Version)
An extension for Ballieu inequality
Laurenţiu Modan (pagg. 144-149) (English Version)
The nature of multiple representations in developing mathematical relationships
Athanasios Gagatsis, Constantinos Christou and Iliada Elia (pagg. 150-159) (English Version)
Fractals as didactic material
Adalberto Codetta Raiteri, Renza Cambini ( pagg. 160-167) (English Version) (Italian Version)
General line of "Quaderni"
The "Quaderni di Ricerca in Didattica" of GRIM were born in the 1990. The "Quaderni" they are interested in research in mathematics education (or in communication of mathematics).
The general line of "Quaderni" favours the contributions of seminars of GRIM. They consider a proposal contributions in connection with the research subject developed from the GRIM. Such are the contributions concerning the research about the communication of mathematics: Epistemology, History of mathematics, Elementary mathematics, Philosophy of mathematics, Foundation of mathematics, Psychology, Linguistics, Neurophisiology, Cognitive science,
The "Supplements" will include thesis doctorats degree of research in mathematics education, history of mathematics, History of science, achieved in Italy and in foreign countries.
Every article is preceded with a summary in: Italian, English, French and Spanish languages.
Every article published on the review is submitted referee from at least two members of editorial board.
Indirizzo generale dei Quaderni
I Quaderni di Ricerca in Didattica del G.R.I.M. sono nati nel 1990 con lo scopo di colmare un vuoto che si riteneva esistente nel panorama editoriale Italiano su argomenti riguardanti espressamente la ricerca in Didattica delle Matematiche (o in Comunicazione delle Matematiche).
L'indirizzo generale dei quaderni privilegia i contributi relativi alle attività seminariali del G.R.I.M., non trascurando però di prenderne in considerazione altri che, pur non essendo direttamente legati ad attività seminariali, sono stati comunque in stretta connessione con i temi di ricerca sviluppati dal gruppo. Tali sono in special modo i contributi riguardanti la ricerca sulla Comunicazione delle Matematiche: Epistemologia, Storia delle Matematiche, Matematiche Elementari, Filosofia delle Matematiche, Fondamenti delle Matematiche, Psicologia, Linguistica, Neurofisiologia, Scienze cognitive, Intelligenza Artificiale.
I Supplementi ospiteranno Tesi di Dottorato di Ricerca in Didattica delle Matematiche, Storia delle Matematiche, Storia delle Scienze, conseguite sia in Italia che all'estero. Con i Supplementi il G.R.I.M. vuole offrire, ai ricercatori in Didattica delle Matematiche, uno strumento agile che, in tempo reale, metta a disposizione della comunità materiale di ricerca difficilmente reperibile nel mercato editoriale. Le riviste specializzate non possono accettare la pubblicazione di una tesi di Dottorato in versione integrale, in quanto troppo lunga e quindi poco diffondibile per un largo pubblico.
Ogni articolo é preceduto dal sommario in almeno due lingue straniere.
EditorialOgni articolo é preceduto da un breve commento in italiano e dall'abstract in inglese.
(Every article is preceded by a brief comment in Italian and from the abstract in English)
1. "Volume Conception in late primary school children in Cyprus"
Stamatis Voulgaris & Anastasia Evangelidou (pagg. 1-32)
L'articolo di Stamatis Voulgaris ed Anastasia Evangelidou tratta di una ricerca condotta nelle scuole di Cipro per valutare lapprendimento degli allievi di 10-12 anni sul volume. Una conclusione forte é che vi è una connessione tra la comprensione della preservazione e della misura e che vi sono delle abilità specifiche che gli allievi devono sviluppare prima che vi sia una utilizzazione significativa della formula V= LxBxH.
This article concerns a research contacted in Cypriot schools to evaluate childrens (age 10-12 years) learning on volume. Childrens response to volume measurement tasks ranged from consideration of only visible aspects of the rectangular constructions, to realisation of the structural organisation of unit cubes in terms of columns and layers to the use of the formula V=LxBxH. Answers to volume conservation tasks ranged from indication full competence to conserve occupied and displaced volume to no conservation at all. It was concluded that there is strong association between understanding of conservation and measurement and that there are specific skills necessary for children to develop before we can expect meaningful use of the formula V=LxBxH.
Key words: Volume, conservation, measurement, primary, Cyprus, SOLO-Taxonomy, formula.
2. La classe come palcoscenico (tesi di master)
Angela Pesci (pagg. 33-124)
La tesi di Master di Angela Pesci mette in evidenza una ricerca sulle convinzioni ed emozioni in didattica della matematica. La stretta connessione tra cognizione ed emozione messa in luce anche da specifici contributi delle Neuroscienze, oltre che dalla ricerca in psicologia e pedagogia, pone in evidenza, in riferimento allambito educativo e ad ogni fascia di età, limpossibilità di occuparsi di costruzione di conoscenza senza farsi carico anche degli aspetti emozionali più profondi delle persone in gioco.
The work is divided into two parts. The first is dedicated to the description of the basic principles that gave birth to the project of training (Chapters 1, 2, 3), the second describes the project in detail, how it started and how it developed until its conclusion (Chapters 4, 5, 6).
The research about convictions and emotion in didactics of mathematics (Chapter 1) relates mainly to teachers and it is the background of the training intervention itself. The close connection between cognition and emotion is illustrated even by specific contributions from the neurosciences, in addition to researches in psychology and pedagogy. It stresses, with reference to different educational environments and different age levels, the impossibility to build knowledge disregarding the deepest emotional aspects of the people involved.
To activate a path that can act on such a deep level the use of non-verbal languages or of metaphorical language (among the verbal ones) is essential, because only with these modes our communication can reach the roots of our being.
In Chapter 2 the features of metaphor, its use in mathematics education and the value of metaphorical discourse in training project have been described.
Chapter 3 is dedicated to a quick look to theatrical mathematics experiences realized for school by theatrical companies or in school itself, with the collaboration of teachers and students. In both cases they are events created in order to increase the interest of public in this discipline, too often regarded as cold, abstract and just as a source of problems.
The general goal of our project of mixture of mathematics and performance, elaborated with Anna Gallo Selva, was the study of performative autobiography as a possible mediator in changing the teacher-discipline and teacher-student relationship. The starting point was found in our two different skills: that of Anna regarding theatre (particularly Playback Theatre) and mine in mathematics education problems.
The autobiographical discourse developed from each participants reflection on his own relation with mathematics and through the choice of adequate metaphors, following specific Playback Theatre techniques. There was also the aim of actual results in the classes of the eight middle- school teachers involved in the project.
Chapters 4, 5 and 6 describe in detail the path we followed: how we got to the decision of the accomplishment of the project, the general ideas on which it was built, the planning of the activities, the diary of every single meeting, the performance offered to the public and a first evaluation of the experience, even through the opinions of the spectators and the actors.
The classroom as stage expresses the final goal of the entire work: to communicate to the participants, apart from the importance of taking theatre to school, as it is more and more usual, mainly the need and the inevitability of living the classroom as a stage every single day, that is to say to live the classroom as a place where persons get on stage with their whole being, where knowledge is built but also where ones own afflictions are elaborated and where health is searched.
3. "Why is modelling not included in the teaching of algebra at secondary school?"
Pilar Bolea (Universidad de Zaragoza), Marianna Bosch (Universitat Ramon Llull), Josep Gascón (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), (pagg. 125-133)
L'articolo di Pilar Bolea, Marianna Bosch e Josep Gascón si pone nel quadro delle ricerche sulla trasposizione didattica ed analizza alcuni aspetti del passaggio tra il pensiero aritmetico ed algebrico. Lanalisi dei vincoli che impone la trasposizione didattica sulle pratiche matematiche scolari mostra che alcune limitazioni che pesano sullinsegnamento della modellizzazione algebrica vanno al di là delle difficoltà cognitive degli allievi.
The kind of algebraic activity which is most carried out in current Spanish compulsory secondary education corresponds to the predominant view that algebra is a generalised arithmetic. This implies that algebra is confined to the field of arithmetic and the work with numbers (as opposed to the working with magnitudes) which does not benefit the emergence of algebra as a modelling tool. The analysis of the constraints that the didactic transposition process imposes on school mathematics practices highlights that the institutional limitations on the teaching of algebraic modelling are not only due to the students cognitive difficulties.
4. Teacher's opinions about statistics and probability in primary level
Sofia Anastasiadou (pagg. 134-143)
Questa ricerca cerca di reperire ed esaminare le opinioni e le percezioni dei professori greci riguardo limportanza ed il piacere dellapprendimento della statistica al livello iniziale. I risultati dellanalisi dellimplicazione statistica dimostrano delle attitudini positive e negative assieme verso la statistica.
At the era teaching the attitudes towards a cognitive subject is of a great scientific interest. This research is aiming to record and examine the opinions and the perceptions of Greek teachers towards the importance and the liking of teaching statistics in the primary level. The outcomes of the Implicative Statistical Analysis showed that both negative and positive attitudes toward statistics.
5. An extension for Ballieu inequality
Laurenţiu Modan (pagg. 144-149)
Il lavoro di Modan si inserisce nei problemi classici riguardanti le matematiche elementari da un punto di vista superiore. Il rinnovato interesse su queste problematiche é, in questo momento, legato alle gare matematiche. Difatti lo studio delle diseguaglianze rappresenta un campo di interesse.
We shall generalize in a Lemma, a very old result of R. Balllieu, relating to the Triangle Geometry, and using notions from Real Analysis and Jensen inequality for a concave function.
6. The nature of multiple representations in developing mathematical relationships
Athanasios Gagatsis, Constantinos Christou and Iliada Elia (pagg. 150-159)
Questo lavoro studia le traduzioni da un registro linguistico ad un altro riguardo l'insegnamento/apprendimento delle equazioni. Vengono anche discussi i modelli teorici sottesi. I risultati mettono in evidenza che l'ipotesi delle rappresentazioni multiple di relazioni matematiche costituiscono entità diverse. Queste rappresentazioni multiple di relazioni matematiche non sempre aiutano gli studenti all'apprendimento della matematica.
This study focuses on the representations and translations of mathematical relationships that are emphasized and taught at school, and discusses two theoretical models that may explain the pattern and difficulties in translating from one form of representations to another. Data were obtained from 79 students of grade 6. Analyses using structural equation modeling were performed to evaluate the two theoretical models. Results provided support for the hypothesis that multiple representations of mathematical relationships constitute different entities, and thus multiple representations do not by themselves help sixth grade students develop mathematical understanding.
7. Fractals as didactic material
Adalberto Codetta Raiteri, Renza Cambini ( pagg. 160-167)
Questo lavoro esplora la possibilità che alcuni oggetti virtuali presenti nel web possano essere proposti agli studenti facendo uso dei ben noti metodi di modellizzazione matematica dei problemi di realtà. Nella prima parte il metodo della modellizzazione matematica verrà brevemente illustrato per mezzo di un esempio. Nella seconda parte di discuterà la possibilità di utilizzare lo stesso metodo per interpretare e comprendere alcuni degli oggetti presenti nel web. In particolare ci si riferirà allo studio dei frattali.
This workshop explores the possibility to purpose some of the virtual objects on the web to the students in order to be used according the well known methods of mathematical modelling of real problems. In the first part the method of mathematical modelling of real problems will be briefly explained referring to an example. In the second part we will discuss, the possibility of using the same method to interpret and understand some of the objects on the web. In particular, we will refer to the study of fractals.
Informations about Review
(ISSN Code 1592-5137)
The review "Quaderni di Ricerca in Didattica" of GRIM (Gruppo di Ricerca sullíInsegnamento delle Matematiche, Department of Mathematics of University): the review is in INTERNET at the following address:
In INTERNET they provide information about activity of research and training of GRIM (the web INTERNET is operative since 1996). From the n.8 the review will be printed to provide copies to the authors and to the libraries and put on INTERNET for some months FREE. (ISSN on-line 1592-4424)
Informations for authors.
Articles for publications (3 copies) should be sent to Review Editor Professor: Filippo Spagnolo, "Quaderni di Ricerca in Didattica" del G.R.I.M., Dipartimento di Matematica e Applicazioni, Via Archirafi, 34 - 90123 PALERMO.
The text have be to composed in WORD either for PC or for Macintosh. To utilise the font "Times new Roman". The floppy disk (3,5) have to be enclosed to the papery support. The figures have to be enclosed in the space corresponding of papery support but easily exportable. The article can be send also in E-MAIL in format .rtf, .doc.
For A4 format: Type 11, margin superior 6 cm, margin inferior 5 cm, margin dx 4,5 cm, margin sx 4,5 cm.
Informazioni sulla rivista
(Codice ISSN
La ricerca documentata dal presente quaderno si svolge con contributi del MURST cofinanziamento (ex 40%) 2000.
Il recapito della redazione é il seguente (The address of editor is):
G.R.I.M. (Gruppo Ricerca Insegnamento delle Matematiche) Dipartimento di Matematica e Applicazioni, Università Via Archirafi,34 - 90123 - PALERMO.
Tel. 0039 (091) 6040434 - Fax. (091) 6165425
I Quaderni di Ricerca in Didattica del GRIM sono in INTERNET al seguente indirizzo: menuquad.htm
In INTERNET all'indirizzo vengono fornite informazioni sull'attività di Ricerca e Formazione del GRIM.
In Internet si trovano anche, per alcuni articoli, versioni in altre lingue. Codice ISSN della versione On-Line della rivista: 1592-4424.
Ogni lavoro pubblicato nella rivista é sottoposto a referee da parte di almeno due esponenti del Comitato Scientifico.Gli articoli, in triplice copia vanno inviati al Direttore Responsabile della rivista: prof. Filippo Spagnolo, "Quaderni di Ricerca in Didattica" del G.R.I.M., Dipartimento di Matematica e Applicazioni, Via Archirafi, 34 - 90123 PALERMO. Istruzioni per gli autori
Gli articoli, dopo essere stati accettati, vengono inviati in copia cartacea con stampa in stampante Laser e dischetto. Il testo deve essere composto preferibilmente con il WORD sia per PC che per Macintosh specificando la versione. Utilizzare il carattere "Times New Roman".
Per il formato A4: Corpo 11, margine superiore 6 cm, margine inferiore 5 cm, margine destro 4,5 cm, margine sinistro 4,5 cm.
Il dischetto con l'articolo in formato 3,5 deve essere accluso al supporto cartaceo. Eventuali figure e illustrazioni vanno accluse nel L'articolo può anche essere inviato per posta elettronica in formato .doc, .rtf o meglio .pdf (Acrobat).
Ogni articolo deve essere preceduto da un sommario in almeno due lingue straniere, rispetto corrispondente spazio del supporto cartaceo ma esportabili facilmente. alla redazione dell'articolo. Se ad esempio l'articolo è in inglese si considerano lingue straniere l'italiano e lo spagnolo. Si accettano articoli in inglese, francese, spagnolo
International and National meetings
1. Convegno AICM-GRIM - Piazza Armerina (EN) 16-19 Settembre 2004
"Quali Prospettive per la Matematica e la sua Didattica"
2. 10th International Congress on Mathematics Education (ICME-10), 4-7 July, 2004, Copenhagen, Denmark
3. 4th Mediterranean Conference on Mathematics Education, 28-30 January 2005 , Palermo-Italy. Organizers: Cyprus Mathematical Society, University of Palermo
4. XVIII Convegno Nazionale: Incontri con la Matematica, "La didattica della matematica una scienza per la scuola. Castel San Pietro Terme (Bologna). 5-6-7 Novembre 2004
NEWS !!!!
The International Commission on Mathematical Instruction
Hyman Bass, Department of Mathematics, University of Michigan, 525 E. University, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1109 USA, tel.: +1 (734)615-4043, fax (734)615-7441
Michèle Artigue, Équipe DIDIREM, Case 7018, Université Paris 7, 2 place Jussieu, 75251 Paris Cedex 05, France, tel.: (33) 1 44 27 53 83, fax: (33) 1 44 27 56 08
Jill Adler, School of Education, University of the Witwatersrand, P/Bag 3, PO Wits 2050, Johannesburg, South Africa, tel: 27 11 7173413, fax: 27 11 717 3259
Bernard R. Hodgson, Département de mathématiques et de statistique, Université Laval, Québec, G1K 7P4, Canada, tel.: +1 418 656 2131 ext. 2975, fax: +1 418 656 2817
The ICMI Felix Klein and Hans Freudenthal MEDALS for 2003
The International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI), founded in Rome in 1908, has, for the first time in its history, established prizes recognizing outstanding achievement in mathematics education research. The Felix Klein Medal, named for the first president of ICMI (1908-1920), honors a lifetime achievement. The Hans Freudenthal Medal, named for the eight president of ICMI (1967-1970), recognizes a major cumulative program of research. These awards are to be made in each odd numbered year, with presentation of the medals, and invited addresses by the medalists at the following International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME).
These awards, which pay tribute to outstanding scholarship in mathematics education, serve not only to encourage the efforts of others, but also to contribute to the development, through the public recognition of exemplars, of high standards for the field. The awards represent the judgment of an (anonymous) jury of distinguished scholars of international stature, chaired by Prof. Michèle Artigue of the University Paris 7.
ICMI is proud to announce the first awardees of the Klein and Freudenthal Medals.
The Felix Klein Medal for 2003 is awarded to Guy Brousseau, Professor Emeritus of the University Institute for Teacher Education of Aquitaine in Bordeaux, for his lifetime development of the theory of didactic situations, and its applications to the teaching and learning of mathematics.
The Hans Freudenthal Medal for 2003 is awarded to Celia Hoyles, Professor at the Institute of Education of the University of London, for her seminal research on instructional uses of technology in mathematics education.
Citations of the work of these medalists can be found below . Presentation of the medals, and invited addresses of the medalists, will occur at ICME-10 in Copenhagen, July 4-11, 2004.