The webpage of the G.R.I.M. (Gruppo di Ricerca
sullInsegnamento/Apprendimento delle Matematiche)
was born in 1996 with the intention to give a
important service to the researchers,
teachers/researchers and to Italian and foreigners
students of didactics of Mathematics. The website is
almost bilingual (Italian and English).
Since 1996 the website become more ampler and it
currently contains:
1)The review "Quaderni di Ricerca in Didattica",
born in 1990 and currently in on-line and printed
version. The review is could be founded at the web
It is reviewed by Zentralblatt for the Didactics of
Mathematics ZDM-MATHDI. In our review articles,
national and international PhD thesis (in the review
supplements) and conferences proceedings are
published. The review accepts articles in Italian,
English, French and Spanish languages. We also can
accept paper in a double linguistic version (for
instance: English-Arab, English-Chinese, etc
). The
review could contains also articles with
multi-medial supports (for instance: audio and
videotapes of didactic situations that can clarify
the text will be connected with the paper). Our
review "Quaderni di Ricerca in Didattica", is
therefore the first multi-medial review regarding
the Research in Didactics. The code ISSN is: On-line
ISSN 1592-4424.
2)The national and international PhD theses reported
The national seminar of the scientific community of
the researchers in didactics of the mathematics
decided to consider this webpage as an official site
for the theses.
3)The complete Proceedings of the International
PROJECT". The proceedings from 1999 can be found
address to the following:
complete Proceedings of the international group
Analyse Statistique Implicative.
5)Articles and proceedings of international
conferences, Italian degree thesis in Didactics of
Mathematics that can be of interest for scientific
actuality, could be found to the following address:
In this page it is possible to find the proceedings
of the C.I.E.A.E.M. (Commission Internationale
pour lÉtude et LAmélioration de lEnseignement des
mathématiques, International Commission for the
Study and Improvement of Mathematics Education).
6)The site hosts the Homepages of Guy Brousseau and
Régis Gras:
personalHP.htm. In these homepages can be found unpublished
articles and reissues of old articles that are
difficult to find, besides the information
concerning these two heads school of the Research in
international Didactics.
7)The webpage of the PhD "History and Didactics of
the Mathematics, History and Didactics of the
Physics and History and Didactics of the Chemistry"
8)In the webpage
it is possible to find some materials elaborated
during the courses of Didactic of Mathematics, the
Didactic Laboratories of the S.I.S.S.I.S.
(Mathematics Section of Palermo) and the courses of
Didactics of Mathematics of the Degree course in
Scienze Della Formazione Primaria of the University
of Palermo. The degree theses are published at the
Recently a section regarding "Mathematics and
difficulty." (in Italian language) has been opened.
9)A page dedicated to the association for Teachers
and Students of Mathematical AICM that locally
operates and that it manages, besides, the
mathematical competitions for the middle school of
the Province in Palermo. Is avaible online all the
texts of the competitions and the their solutions.
. There are also the texts of the lectures that have
been kept in these last years. (in Italian
10)Finally it is interesting to mentioned an inside
research motor at the address:
SITI.htm. It
allows the readers to be able to easily consult
external websites refereed to the didactical
research of mathematics .
The website is recorded in Yahoo, Google, Virgilio,