N.13- PALERMO 2003

Review Editor:

Editing board: Gianna Manno, Aldo Scimone, Claudia Sortino.

Editorial board:


Conceptions d'enseignants de l'école de base sur les nombres décimaux

Hanène ABROUGUI.  (French Version) (pagg.7-31)


Sequence analytical and vector geometry at teaching of solid geometry at secondary school.

PeadDr. Lucia Földesiová (English Version) (pagg. 33-42) 

Processes of mathematization in a learning environment combining devices and computational tools. Stefanos Keisoglou, Panayotis Spyrou (English Version) (pagg. 43-57) 

utilisation du calcul vectoriel dans la résolution des exercises de la planimétrie et de la stéréométrie dans l'enseignement secondaire. Mgr. Michaela REGECOVÁ (French Version) (pagg.59-75)


Le Cas de Gael (Article publié en anglais in Journal of Mathematical Behavior, n°18 (1), 1-46, octobre 1999   Non encore publié en Français). Guy Brousseau, Virginia Warfield (French Version) (pagg.77-124)


Didattica scientifica per problemi, Una sperimentazione interdisciplinare sui modelli lineari

Angelo Bonura, Leonilde Russo. (Italian Version) (pagg. 125-135)


L’analisi implicativa per lo studio di una esperienza didattica in statistica

 Ornella Giambalvo, Anna Maria Milito, Filippo Spagnolo. (Italian Version) (pagg. 136-151)

Matematica e guerra, Conferenza, Palermo, 15 maggio 2003,  Jens HØYRUP  (Italian Version) (pagg.152-162)


General line of "Quaderni"

The "Quaderni di Ricerca in Didattica" of GRIM were born in the 1990. The "Quaderni" they are interested in research in mathematics education (or in communication of mathematics).
The general line of "Quaderni" favours the contributions of seminars of GRIM. They consider a proposal contributions in connection with the research subject developed from the GRIM. Such are the contributions concerning the research about the communication of mathematics: Epistemology, History of mathematics, Elementary mathematics, Philosophy of mathematics, Foundation of mathematics, Psychology, Linguistics, Neurophisiology, Cognitive science,
The "Supplements" will include thesis doctorats degree of research in mathematics education, history of mathematics, History of science, achieved in Italy and in foreign countries.
Every article is preceded with a summary in: Italian, English, French and Spanish languages.
Every article published on the review is submitted referee from at least two members of editorial board.


Indirizzo generale dei Quaderni

I Quaderni di Ricerca in Didattica del G.R.I.M. sono nati nel 1990 con lo scopo di colmare un vuoto che si riteneva esistente nel panorama editoriale Italiano su argomenti riguardanti espressamente la ricerca in Didattica delle Matematiche (o in Comunicazione delle Matematiche).
L'indirizzo generale dei quaderni privilegia i contributi relativi alle attività seminariali del G.R.I.M., non trascurando però di prenderne in considerazione altri che, pur non essendo direttamente legati ad attività seminariali, sono stati comunque in stretta connessione con i temi di ricerca sviluppati dal gruppo. Tali sono in special modo i contributi riguardanti la ricerca sulla Comunicazione delle Matematiche: Epistemologia, Storia delle Matematiche, Matematiche Elementari, Filosofia delle Matematiche, Fondamenti delle Matematiche, Psicologia, Linguistica, Neurofisiologia, Scienze cognitive, Intelligenza Artificiale.
I Supplementi ospiteranno Tesi di Dottorato di Ricerca in Didattica delle Matematiche, Storia delle Matematiche, Storia delle Scienze, conseguite sia in Italia che all'estero. Con i Supplementi il G.R.I.M. vuole offrire, ai ricercatori in Didattica delle Matematiche, uno strumento agile che, in tempo reale, metta a disposizione della comunità materiale di ricerca difficilmente reperibile nel mercato editoriale. Le riviste specializzate non possono accettare la pubblicazione di una tesi di Dottorato in versione integrale, in quanto troppo lunga e quindi poco diffondibile per un largo pubblico.
Ogni articolo é preceduto dal sommario in almeno due lingue straniere.


Ogni articolo é preceduto da un breve commento in italiano e dall'abstract in inglese.

(Every article is preceded by a brief comment in Italian and from the abstract in English)

1. L'articolo di apertura dei Quaderni, di Hanène Abrougui, analizza alcuni errori frequenti nell'insegnamento/apprendimento dei decimali in Tunisia in situazione di formazione degli insegnanti. Viene esibita una analisi qualitativa di un lavoro sperimentale fatto con gli allievi.


A constant important error of the students of the sixth year of the teaching of base in the tests of mathematics has made the formation of the teachers of this level necessary to drain.  In  this formation, there are interested to the conceptions of the teachers on you number decimal, notion largely studied during the 5° year and of the 6° year of the school of base. To specify the theoretical framework, introduces the results of the study gotten beginning from a questionnaire. They shows that the dominant conception of the teachers of 5° and 6° year it is that a decimal is a "number with comma", conception that is not to the origin of the confusions between a decimal and a rational decimal. Besides as fraction is frequent also the conception of the decimal one of which the denominator is a power of 10. This conception induces, to the times, the not recognition of the decimal number, written in the form of a fraction of which the denominator differs of a power of 10. Our analysis has finally shown a lack in the dominion of the knowledges on the structure of the whole D and the ownerships of the decimal ones, this it brings to direct the formation, in the future toward a study deepened particularly more of this whole and the study of other numerical sets whole as Q, R, R-Q, C,… in general way.

2. L'articolo di Lucia Földesiová analizza la relazione tra l'insegnamento della geometria solida e vettoriale in Slovacchia. Sono analizzate alcune metodologie  e proposte didattiche.


The problem of teaching mathematics at secondary school is the continuity of mathematics content and the content of other subjects. The abstract mostly focuses on the relation between solid geometry from the vector calculus point of view and the synthetic approach to teaching of solid geometry. Findings from the experiment will enable I have carried out to specify the formulation of the tasks but also some methodical activities of the running experiment.

3. L'articolo di Stefanos Keisoglou e Panayotis Spyrou analizzano il rapporto con i processi di matematizzazione attraverso l'utilizzo di strumenti didattici per il laboratorio di matematica sia concreti che virtuali. Gli strumenti hanno una giustificazione storica. La sperimentazione é condotta in Grecia attraverso analisi qualitative.


In this article we present the design and the pilot run of a rich learning environment that lays emphasis on the mediation of tools. In this environment two artifacts are functionally combined: a device in which the basic ways of measuring a height have been incorporated and the computer through which students can study a dynamic simulation of the device. The device was a product of a combination of functional characteristics of devices that have emerged historically. The discovery of how to use the instrument arises through a process of mathematization, which is completed in two phases, out of which the first pertains to the similarity of right triangles and the other one to the trigonometric tangent. The research highlights the distinct contributions of each of the tools in the process of mathematization and aims to assess the effect on the learning process of their concerted presence. The research ends with a schematization articulating connections between the two stages, which we present in the final table. 

4. L'articolo di Michaela REGECOVÁ analizza alcuni problemi riguardanti l'insegnamento/apprendimento della geometria in Slovacchia riguardanti specificatamente il calcolo vettoriale e la geometria analitica. L'analisi comparativa su tre gruppi di allievi é prevalentemente qualitativa.


The use of the analytical method and the vectorial calculation in the resolution of the exercises of the planimetria and the stereometria is a fundamental problem near the students of the secondary schools. In general, in the secondary teaching, the method of the calculation and the construction is used. In this article, I propose previously an analysis of a geometric exercise and the experimentation effected with three groups of students. The results of our experimentation show the necessity to increase the quality of the level of the secondary teaching of the vectorial calculation in the analytical geometry, new ideas are given for new searches.

5. Questo articolo classico sul "Caso di Gael" rappresenta un inedito. Viene presentato per la prima volta nella tesi di dottorato di Guy Brousseau. Questa versione é risistemata assieme a Virginia Warfield in lingua francese. La versione inglese é apparsa in Mathematical Behavior, n°18 (1), 1-46, octobre 1999.


The Theory of Didactical Situations has had a central position in French mathematics education research since the early seventies.  A major component of this theory is the didactical contract, a completely implicit but highly powerful aspect of the relationship between teacher and student.  In this article we relate the series of tutorial sessions which provoked the original formulation of that theory, and in which the theory was validated by its first application.

Gaël was an intelligent child who was failing exclusively in mathematics.  He was one of nine cases studied between 1980 and 1985 (at the Bordeaux COREM). After observing him in class and offering him various learning situations, both didactical and adidactical, we arrived at the hypothesis that Gaël was implementing an strategy  of avoidance of the "conflict of knowing" which we characterized as "hysteroid type avoidance", whereas the others exhibited "obsessional type avoidance" (note that these behaviors should not be confused with the psychiatric categories of the same name, which are serious personality disorders.)  It was possible to offer psychological explanations for this behavior, but they did not provide the means for correcting the avoidance, and they focused the interest of the researchers on a characteristic of the child or on his competencies, rather than remaining at the level of his behavior and the conditions which provoked it or which might modify it.  This behavior demonstrated the refusal, conscious or not, of the child to accept his share of the decision-making responsibilities in a didactical situation and hence to learn while working with an adult.

It made it possible for the experimenters to explore and understand the constraints of the didactical situation, interpreted as a "didactical contract".  It is the simulacrum of a contract, an illusion, intangible and necessarily broken, but a fiction which is necessary in order for the two protagonists, the teacher and the learner, to engage in and carry out the didactical dialectic.  The didactical means to get a student to enter into such a contract is devolution.  It is not a pedagogical device, because it depends in an essential way on the content. It consists of putting the student into a relationship with a milieu from which the teacher is able to exclude herself, at least partially (adidactical situation).  The mechanism implemented was devised to engage Gaël progressively but explicitly in a challenge in which the teacher could be "on the student's side."

This situation subsequently revealed itself to be one of the fundamental situations of subtraction.

6. L'articolo di Angelo Bonura e Leonide Russo propone un percorso didattico che vede coinvolte la Matematica, la Fisica e l’Economia aziendale e ha riguardato la costruzione e l’uso di modelli analitici lineari per la risoluzione di problemi  concreti di tipo fisico ed economico. Il lavoro èproposto é stato sperimentato in una scuola secondaria superiore di Palermo.


The poor levels of learning in mathematics and sciences of the Italian pupils, as recent statistical researches show, are probably to attribute to a dogmatic and few stimulating method of  teaching.

With reference to this, we describe a didactic experience (in which more scientific subjects of study have been connected) that, making use of methods planned in order to increase the interest and motivation of the students, has given rise to a notable improvement of their learning levels.

This experience has interested subjects such as Maths, Physics and Economics and it has concerned the creation and the use of linear analytical models for the solution of physical and economical problems.

The methodology has been based on the didactics for problems of J. Dewey, in which the introduction of analytical method arises from need to solve problems, made more effective by means of cooperative learning strategies.

The appraisal of the outcomes of the experimentation has been carried out by introducing two indexes of learning, the first relative to the interest and motivation (wish to learn), the second to the performance, and by comparing the distribution of the levels of the students at the  beginning and at the end of the didactic experience.

The obtained results are very satisfactory because the growth of pupils’ motivation has also given a notable increase of their levels of competence.


7. L'articolo compara metodologie differenti nell'insegnamento della statistica in alcune città italiane. Lo studio sperimentale si avvale degli strumenti dell'analisi implicativa di varaibili per l'analisi dei dati.


The objective of the present work is that to analyze some results of a test of profit administered to pupils of the junior high school after a period of lessons of statistic effected by the teacher of mathematics. The study analyzes, through the analysis implicative, analogies and differences of performance of the pupils both in comparison to the territorial context (four centers involved in the experimentation, Padova, Palermo, Perugia and Roma), both to the used didactic methodology (approach directed to the data, DOA, and DOA combined with the method of the Cooperative Learning). Besides, an analysis of the profiles of learning is introduced previously on the base of hypothesis and considerations.

8. Una conferenza su "Guerra e Matematica" di J.HØYRUP  chiude il numero 13 dei Quaderni. Una rassegna dei continui rapporti tra matematica e guerra in una visione olistica del fenomeno. Il percorso storico é affrontato dall'antichità ai nostri giorni.


Informations about Review
(ISSN Code 1592-5137)

The review "Quaderni di Ricerca in Didattica" of GRIM (Gruppo di Ricerca sullíInsegnamento delle Matematiche, Department of Mathematics of University): the review is in INTERNET at the following address:  http://dipmat.sites.unipa.it/grim/menuquad.htm
In INTERNET they provide information about activity of research and training of GRIM (the web INTERNET is operative since 1996). From the n.8 the review will be printed to provide copies to the authors and to the libraries and put on INTERNET for some months FREE.   (ISSN on-line 1592-4424)

Informations for authors.

Articles for publications (3 copies) should be sent to Review Editor Professor: Filippo Spagnolo, "Quaderni di Ricerca in Didattica" del G.R.I.M., Dipartimento di Matematica e Applicazioni, Via Archirafi, 34 - 90123 PALERMO.
The text have be to composed in WORD either for PC or for Macintosh. To utilise the font "Times new Roman". The floppy disk (3,5) have to be enclosed to the papery support. The figures have to be enclosed in the space corresponding of papery support but easily exportable. The article can be send also in E-MAIL in format .rtf, .doc.
For A4 format: Type 11, margin superior 6 cm, margin inferior 5 cm, margin dx 4,5 cm, margin sx 4,5 cm.

Informazioni sulla rivista
(Codice ISSN 1592-5137)

La ricerca documentata dal presente quaderno si svolge con contributi del MURST cofinanziamento (ex 40%) 2000.
Il recapito della redazione é il seguente (The address of editor is):
G.R.I.M. (Gruppo Ricerca Insegnamento delle Matematiche) Dipartimento di Matematica e Applicazioni, Università Via Archirafi,34 - 90123 - PALERMO.
Tel. 0039 (091) 6040434 - Fax. (091) 6165425
E-Mail:  spagnolo@math.unipa.it
I Quaderni di Ricerca in Didattica del GRIM sono in INTERNET al seguente indirizzo: menuquad.htm
In INTERNET all'indirizzo http://dipmat.sites.unipa.it/grim vengono fornite informazioni sull'attività di Ricerca e Formazione del GRIM.
In Internet si trovano anche, per alcuni articoli, versioni in altre lingue. Codice ISSN della versione On-Line della rivista:  1592-4424.
Ogni lavoro pubblicato nella rivista é sottoposto a referee da parte di almeno due esponenti del Comitato Scientifico.

Istruzioni per gli autori

Gli articoli, in triplice copia vanno inviati al Direttore Responsabile della rivista: prof. Filippo Spagnolo, "Quaderni di Ricerca in Didattica" del G.R.I.M., Dipartimento di Matematica e Applicazioni, Via Archirafi, 34 - 90123 PALERMO.
Gli articoli, dopo essere stati accettati, vengono inviati in copia cartacea con stampa in stampante Laser e dischetto. Il testo deve essere composto preferibilmente con il WORD sia per PC che per Macintosh specificando la versione. Utilizzare  il carattere "Times New Roman".
Per il formato A4: Corpo 11, margine superiore 6 cm, margine inferiore 5 cm, margine destro 4,5 cm, margine sinistro 4,5 cm.
Il dischetto con l'articolo in formato 3,5 deve essere accluso al supporto cartaceo. Eventuali figure e illustrazioni vanno accluse  nel L'articolo può anche essere inviato per posta elettronica in formato .doc, .rtf  o meglio .pdf (Acrobat).
Ogni articolo deve essere preceduto da un sommario in almeno due lingue straniere, rispetto corrispondente spazio del supporto cartaceo ma esportabili facilmente. alla redazione dell'articolo. Se ad esempio l'articolo è in inglese si considerano lingue straniere l'italiano e lo spagnolo. Si accettano articoli in inglese, francese, spagnolo