teCLa - temi di Critica e Letteratura artistica is an on-line publishing project composed of a series, a magazine registered with the Editing Registry (registro Stampa) of the Court of Palermo under the number 2583/2010 7/27/2010 of the General role, and of a repertoire of sources related to critical and artistic literature,supported in its different sections by international scientific committees. It is published by the University of Palermo with the logo of the Department of Cultural Studies Arts History Communication (Dipartimento di Studi Culturali Arti Storia Comunicazione).
teCLa was founded with the aim of offering scholars, young researchers, postdocs, PhDs, graduate students, an agile publishing channel with a wide visibility for their scientific work, simple diffusion, due to the quick and easy access offered by the web, and, more importantly, without any editing fee, according to the well known benefits of open access about BOAI standards.
teCLa is published on a website structured according to the standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and MySQL relational database. The site was realized by Nicoletta Di Bella (Web Developer) in collaboration with Roberta Santoro and Roberta Priori (Content Writers) .